Music turns me on. But some songs just have that mmmm about them, if you know what I mean. Here are a few tracks steaming up my ipod:
Morcheeba: “Slow Down”
Morcheeba drips with sensuality. The British band's blend of trip-hop, rock and R&B makes a truly delicious bedtime aperitif. (They even have a song called, “Undress Me Now”...though I chose a less blatant, equally sexy alternative.) With a name that means "more marijuana," the heady trance-like affect of Morcheeba's music is no surprise. Skye Edwards’ rich honey-smooth vocals lull listeners into an erotic reverie as she coos:
All you got to do is slowdown…
Lovage: “To Catch a Thief”
Lovage’s one and only album, “Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By,” is an outrageously entertaining and sexy ode to love-making in all forms and fashions. Mike Patton brings his ingenious lyrical and vocal skills into the mix, crooning, and occasionally growling, in a dark melodramatically brooding tone; think Barry-White-possessed-by-the-devil. The scary-talented Kid Kuala turns tables and infuses the songs with tasty samples. Choosing a song in the CD's delectable bouquet -- which includes impressively realistic chorus of pleasure-moans and an orgasmic train ride -- is not an easy task. But I get an extra thrill listening to Jennifer Charles purr to her cat burgling lover:
You're so handsome dressed in black
See you in the shadows
I'd like to see you on your back…
Frothing over with sensuality, “Joga” is an exhilarating joy-ride for the ears. Volcanic beats and swelling romantic strings wrap themselves around listeners like silken sheets, building steadily. But before we burst with anticipation, madame Bjork catapults into a soaring chorus with lyrics that exquisitely encapsulate the explosive climax described (and induced).
State of emergency,
How beautiful to be,
State of emergency,
Is where I want to be.
Raunchy, rowdy and rockin,’ "Whole Lotta Love" is perfect for naughty playful canoodlers. Turn it up loud so the neighbors can’t hear you! Robert Plant’s bluesy roots shine as he wails teasingly about all of the dirty things he’ll do to his bad girl. I'd let his 1970's self send me back to schoolin' any day. Just let me find my little plaid skirt...
I'm gonna give you every inch of my love,
Gonna give you my love.
Yes, it’s the theme song for the TV series, House, but separated from this rather clinical context, the song never fails to seduce. Pulsing drum beats and surging strings blended with Liz Fraser’s (from the Cocteau Twins) smooth breathy vocals and lusciously poetic lyrics inevitably make for racing hearts, weakened knees and surging libidos.
Let's end with a bang (or perhaps the crack of a whip?) Drenched in harsh electronic beats with Trent Reznor’s gruff sing/whisper piercing through the chaos, “Closer” stirs up wonderfully wicked thoughts of leather and handcuffs. Or perhaps it’s simply the infamously profane lyrics: “I want to f**k you like an animal. I want to feel you from the inside,” that bring out one’s inner beast. Prrrowwwr.
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