Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Paper Dress
Beautiful antique lace + scanner + photoshop + GINORMOUS industrial printer = scads of lace-printed paper with which to make a rather crinkly (terribly sexy) wedding gown. First I made a "sewing" bust by duct-taping my entire mid-section, from neck to buttocks (see Etsy Labs for more details on how to do this!). Then I made the dress around the form, wrapping and scrunching paper where I saw fit. Feast your eyes!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Rediscovering My Inner Chef
My Top 3 Choices (THANK YOU Smitten Kitchen and Orangette for your amazing recipes and images!):
1. Rosemary Flatbread:

Perfect for mopping up the last dregs of stuffing and cranberry sauce, and delicious on it's own. Could be paired with a sprightly Chardonnay?
2. Winter Squash Soup with Gruyere Croutons

This is the perfect cozy appetizer to sip before digging into the heavy stuff. Mmmm!
3. Cranberry Chutney with Crystalized Ginger and Dried Cherries

My family doesn't get terribly involved with cranberry sauce. (Usually it's out of a can...gasp!) They like to focus on the big stuff, so I propose rectifying this by stirring up my own berriful concoction.
Nico Vega

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Nora Ayogi

An average-sized list of big things that come in small packages:
1. Nerds - the candy (So tiny, yet so delicious)
2. Shakira (The sassy wench is only 4 ft. 11 in.)
3. Cupcakes (The new dessert. Less than a slice of cake, and a million times cuter.)
4. Mini Coopers (Two words: Bourne Identity.)
5. Bacteria (It’s everywhere!!!!!)
6. Polly Pockets (…rocked my childhood. How ‘bout yours?)
7. Weener Dogs (Freakish proportions, yet freakishly adorable.)
8. Post-its (Tiny sticky pieces of paper = genius!)
9. Birth control (because it...controls...birth...yeah.)
10. iPhones (even though they scare me...what the hell is an accelerometer??)
Think of more and send them to me!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Hey, Sailor!

Adore everything nautical? Check out these seriously sea-worthy goodies (click on the pics to visit their sites!):

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Poetry Hour: The Line

Three horse-mouths bite the bit
and lick cold metal
suspended between invisible houses.
They wait on empty wires,
to bear a pair of pants, a
child’s summer dress high, above the ground.
Damp cloth hung from lips
and dripped
pale fluid between blades of grass.
Remember gritty textures
of linen, cotton, and calico
to savor and suck dry.
As the bare limbs of trees wave against a backdrop
where the sky used to be.
Browsing (Not Shopping)
These little ditties are a treat for the roving eye:

A Naughty Playlist

Music turns me on. But some songs just have that mmmm about them, if you know what I mean. Here are a few tracks steaming up my ipod:
Morcheeba: “Slow Down”
Morcheeba drips with sensuality. The British band's blend of trip-hop, rock and R&B makes a truly delicious bedtime aperitif. (They even have a song called, “Undress Me Now”...though I chose a less blatant, equally sexy alternative.) With a name that means "more marijuana," the heady trance-like affect of Morcheeba's music is no surprise. Skye Edwards’ rich honey-smooth vocals lull listeners into an erotic reverie as she coos:
All you got to do is slowdown…
Lovage: “To Catch a Thief”
Lovage’s one and only album, “Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By,” is an outrageously entertaining and sexy ode to love-making in all forms and fashions. Mike Patton brings his ingenious lyrical and vocal skills into the mix, crooning, and occasionally growling, in a dark melodramatically brooding tone; think Barry-White-possessed-by-the-devil. The scary-talented Kid Kuala turns tables and infuses the songs with tasty samples. Choosing a song in the CD's delectable bouquet -- which includes impressively realistic chorus of pleasure-moans and an orgasmic train ride -- is not an easy task. But I get an extra thrill listening to Jennifer Charles purr to her cat burgling lover:
You're so handsome dressed in black
See you in the shadows
I'd like to see you on your back…
Frothing over with sensuality, “Joga” is an exhilarating joy-ride for the ears. Volcanic beats and swelling romantic strings wrap themselves around listeners like silken sheets, building steadily. But before we burst with anticipation, madame Bjork catapults into a soaring chorus with lyrics that exquisitely encapsulate the explosive climax described (and induced).
State of emergency,
How beautiful to be,
State of emergency,
Is where I want to be.
Raunchy, rowdy and rockin,’ "Whole Lotta Love" is perfect for naughty playful canoodlers. Turn it up loud so the neighbors can’t hear you! Robert Plant’s bluesy roots shine as he wails teasingly about all of the dirty things he’ll do to his bad girl. I'd let his 1970's self send me back to schoolin' any day. Just let me find my little plaid skirt...
I'm gonna give you every inch of my love,
Gonna give you my love.
Yes, it’s the theme song for the TV series, House, but separated from this rather clinical context, the song never fails to seduce. Pulsing drum beats and surging strings blended with Liz Fraser’s (from the Cocteau Twins) smooth breathy vocals and lusciously poetic lyrics inevitably make for racing hearts, weakened knees and surging libidos.
Let's end with a bang (or perhaps the crack of a whip?) Drenched in harsh electronic beats with Trent Reznor’s gruff sing/whisper piercing through the chaos, “Closer” stirs up wonderfully wicked thoughts of leather and handcuffs. Or perhaps it’s simply the infamously profane lyrics: “I want to f**k you like an animal. I want to feel you from the inside,” that bring out one’s inner beast. Prrrowwwr.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Smell You Later

Sniff... Sniff...
Somebody -- somebody smelly was here...but who?
"Hiiii!" my friend squealed, wrapping me in a delicious bundle of feminine warmth. Then HE appeared. "This is Jake," cooed my friend. "We traveled together in India two years ago."
Sniff... Cough.
I feel terrible for saying this, but Jake smelled awful. I cringed. Would he try to hug me? God granted me a handshake.
"Nice to meet you, Jake!" I said as cheerily as I could while breathing through my mouth.
Bathing regularly and wearing deodorant were clearly not high on Jake's daily To-Do list. He himself was a cool dude -- quirky, sarcastic, smart, conversant. An enormous bushy beard and generally grungy appearance gave him a Sam Beam-crossed-with-Rip Van Winkle-y look. He'd spent the last 5 months leading trail groups through the wilderness and sleeping on the ground. He'd read a lot of books. When we washed dishes, he refused to use paper towels. All of this, however, could not make up for the dreaded cloud of body odor that loomed ominously about his disheveled person.
At breakfast, Jake said, "I wonder if my time spent in the wilderness has made me more socially awkward. I can't seem to charm girls the way I used to."
"Or maybe it's the fact that you don't wear deodorant," my friend chuckled.
"That could be it, but I figure the girls who care aren't right for me anyway."
Pity that "the girls who care" make up the majority of the female population. Poor Jakey may find himself endlessly searching for a woman who adores him for all of his smelly goodness, one who is just as, if not smellier, than he... The two of them could be bound together for eternity, their love growing ever stronger with each shower missed!! Ahh romance.
And what about everybody else who cares, meaning the majority of employers and customers and friends and...are specifics really necessary? How can Jake hope to form any kind of relationship -- to progress in a world where human connection is crucial -- if nobody can stand to be around him?
"Come watch Batman Begins with us!" said my friend, whose nostrils clearly weren't as sensitive as mine. Jake was sitting on the couch. I took a baby step into the living room. A wave of Jake-ness hits me. I took a step back.
"Ahhh, you know...I just remember I have tons of homework I have to finish! I'll just be in the other room."
Curiously, over time stinky people seem to get used to their own smells just like a person does with the scent of the perfume they always wear or the smell of the detergent they use. Noses have the magical ability to acclimate (hence, those oblivious cologne-drenched men that one hopes never to be stuck in an elevator with). Hopefully, B.O. fiends don't actually realize the extent of their stinkiness and aren't spreading it around just for shits and giggles. That would be evil!
Excerpt from Julio Cortázar's "Rayuela" ("Hopscotch" in English)

I touch your mouth, I touch the edge of your mouth with my finger, I am drawing it as if it were something my hand was sketching, as if for the first time your mouth opened a little, and all I have to do is close my eyes to erase it and start all over again, every time I can make the mouth I want appear, the mouth which my hand chooses and sketches on your face, and which by some chance that I do not seek to understand coincides exactly with your mouth which smiles beneath the one my hand is sketching on you.
You look at me, from close up you look at me, closer and closer and then we play cyclops, we look closer and closer at one another and our eyes get larger, they come closer, they merge into one and the two cyclopses look at each other, blending as they breathe, our mouths touch and struggle in gentle warmth…Then my hands go to sink into your hair, to cherish slowly the depth of your hair while we kiss as if our mouths were filled with flowers or with fish, with lively movements and dark fragrance. And if we bite each other the pain is sweet, and if we smother each other in a brief and terrible sucking in together of our breaths, that momentary death is beautiful. And there is but one saliva and one flavor of ripe fruit, and I feel you tremble against me like a moon on the water